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Saturday, 5 May 2007

By The Sea...

... I had an interesting chat with a friend two nights back... She told me that she felt like a rock amidst the ocean, where people, like the waves just come and go...Interesting huh?!

I like the analogy...

But then, I thought to myself, why do the waves just come and go?

Don't they know that although living in denial, the rock wants to be accepted and yet is forced to not budge... its for a reason?

Doesn't the rock know that waves keep coming back each time and yet are forced to go away, for a reason?

Who is to blame for this recurring phenomenon? …circumstance? or a higher power?.... I'm sure that most will blame PURPOSE!

PURPOSE has different interpretations.. some call it FATE - the already decided destiny... some call it KARMA - your good deeds trying to measure up to your bad ones..

I feel PURPOSE might eventually end up being FATE & KARMA - 'something to blame' i.e..but it starts with you....You are your guardian angel...

No one can ever make you feel any emotion, unless you want them to.. think about it.. We surrender pieces of our soul to each one we interact with, give them the right to make us emote and then start questioning our FATE & KARMA with " why me?!!!"

We are so impulsive with all the wrong things and so cautious with the right ones !!!
Yes, we humans are one confused lot and have an interesting, age old habit... we take the things which are most important to us, for granted.

Think about your heartbeat... although it works harder than you do… its existence is hardly noticed... till one fine day it loses its rhythm, and you, your groove!

Think about your breath, people write songs about it being taken away but again... it's existence is hardly noticed.. till one fine day you run out of it and life runs out on you..

It's the same with our relationships, our daily routine, our choice of words e.t.c

If only we realize that in Life..small things are truly the BIGGEST.. we would not need words like FATE & KARMA to blame..
After all, Life is all about meager pleasures only...


vidya said...

Its beautiful....agree to everything written ....:-)

Priya said...

hey mihir..your words make so much just makes a person ponder and agree to all that u have written...
keep writing..cheers, priya

Aditya Nandode said...

Immensely thoughtful!

Unknown said...

well, it is beautiful .... but beautiful is not d word actually.... u r deep man.....good u love life i cn guess u really lv life ... good 2 c u analyze stuff in lyf so deep...appreciated!! good work!!

Vee said...

"We are so impulsive with all the wrong things and so cautious with the right ones"....I love these words!